Isabel Aimee's INSPIRITION


Training for the New Millennia:

seeing, feeling, sensing, knowing -the keys to inside-out learning


remote viewing,


communication with Spirit,

investigating through the Akashic Field

all of these are natural human skills which can be trained and nurtured.

Traditionally people have gone to astrologers, card readers, palmistry experts and psychics for foretelling events and bringing peace through receiving guidance.

Welcome to the real world!

As the world is becoming aware of dimensions beyond

our five senses, we realise we hold layers

of potential within us, awaiting activation:

‘Activating Human Potential’- actively cultivated on

The Heavenly Tea Channel,

offering real time demonstrations of activating using and developing these skills with myself and guests,

one of whom is Matthew of the successful (Kerry Cassidy-recommended) “Okay Let’s Do This” remote-viewing channel.

I am now offering a compact course to awaken your own skills as remote viewers, intuitives and see-ers with

Matthew demonstrating how to read a person from their photograph, and show you a remote view in real-time.

I will be offering training with you on how to be a remote viewer, intuitive reader, accessing akashic information,

creating spiritual commands, maintaining aura health and purity, and providing protection and love energy to beloveds

by teaching you to trust your intuition and your psychic mind.

I will be offering you a steady hand and more than 35 years experience in this area to send you on your way

and enable you to overcome your personal doubts.

One day in the future, I hope you will return for the teacher-training course for our children,

supporting the Speaking House Schools, the 180 degree turn from traditional outside-in to inside-out learning.

INSPIRITION Integrated resonance learning, empowers each person to activate their spiritual capabilities

and move forth into the world, with confidence and knowing.

You will receive one-on-one training

over six weeks

Each module comprises:

a practical demonstration of forty minutes

and a two hour workshop to internalise and understand

There are six modules:

remote viewing,

intuitive reading,

accessing akashic info.

creating spiritual commands,

maintaining aura health & purity

providing protection & love-energy to others

Each 2 hours workshop uses a diversity of methods carefully created to teach you to trust your intuition and your psychic mind, developed over 35 years by Dr Isabel Aimee and matthew.

The cost is £750/E875/$950 payable at once or in three instalments.

Classes are arranged individually depending on time-zones, conducted through zoom.
