Isabel Aimee's INSPIRITION

MY VISION for NEW EARTH: “Joy is what we need!”

To reinvigorate the idea of family and having children, we must celebrate and recognise the joys. It is our FUEL, our fire to continuing to live here on our planet as human beings. We have to take this seriously!

Joy is one of the most difficult emotions to genuinely stimulate within yourself, but it's also one of the most precious and highest-frequency emotions you can live.

My mission is to bring joy into the spaces you live in: more than ever before, we need to raise and maintain our frequency.

So. I am releasing a series of products and services: from interior and exterior design based upon enhancing creativity and joy ( I am a qualified Landscape Architect with a PhD in Architecture ), to carefully and lovingly prepared play packs, each designed to enable your child to auto-didactically learn and stretch their human resources of the creative imaginative spirit within them through interaction with natural elements.

Result? Your child will be healthy, happy, in tune with self and nature, and equipped to resist this soul-eating surge of technocrats and dark satanic influence.

How do I facilitate this?


Through colour: frequency to buoy your mood

Through hand-made hi-vibrational objects, furniture and workmanship

Through Natural materials using natural processing and surface-treatments

Through redefining the design of your space and time to your ACTUAL loves, passions and needs

Two areas: interior and garden design consultation and Children’s Play Packs for HOLISTIC INTEGRATIVE LEARNING


Actively supporting our true human values of love and family

Over the decades of my life, I have had to find ways to maintain joy and calm even in the most taxing of situations. -As a young, single mother of three, living in a foreign country reluctant to employ me, with an ex husband who had not earned money in years, yet chose to steal all I had, -including our children, I was taxed to my limits. Taxing because I was without any external support, money or encouragement. I had to reach within, with all the determination of my spirit, overcoming doubt and grief, eroded self-worth and deep, strong fear.

I found ways, because my determination and knowing of our innate HUMAN goodness was ultimately stronger than my doubts and my debilitating fears.

And when I found those ways, I was able to elevate myself out of the mires and griefs, back into a sense of life and purpose.

2024 and turbulence reigns: in feeling for our children’s future, it seems as if the world we knew is coming to an end. As parents, we quietly, desperately seek to provide stability and direction, and survive. JOY is thin on the ground. Yet joy is the food of love and of spirit, which enables us to be creative, exercise our humanity and overcome the  limitations of this matrix-world. -And I will talk more about JOY in a moment, as it has become my ’personal currency’.

Whether it is due to personal relationships failing, through sickness, or people not wanting to expand their minds, or due to external economic and political factors.

We innately understand, we need to exercise our inner beings to BE RESILIENT, to expand and to live -more through SPIRIT than the broken paradigms of control. Something within us is breaking free……

All of us (awakening and awake), are revoking our enchainment to the dominant paradigm, which aims to take us deeper into slavery, controlling our minds through technology, our incomes through central banking systems and our every decision through centralist political structures such as the WEF.

We are the babies of NEW EARTH, stuck in the birthing canal: dead if we remain in there, but needing to be birthed, out into a cold, inhospitable environment with only our placental cord to remind us of ease, abundance and support.

The changes we need to make are as wild as the mothers’ birthing pains: we need to reconnect with honouring our true selves, valuing our true inheritance- nature, and remembering how to work in co-operation and playful creativity, rather than competition, -bringing us back to our true natures, our true resources and sustaining us into times which require all of our integrity, and determination.

Parents, I want you to recognise. remember and return to the knowledge that your children are the nearest things you have to Source-Energy/God/Our Creator.

We need to nourish, nurture and encourage them as spiritual creative beings.  

This has been my mission ever since I had children back at age 20. Now, 32 years later, nothing has changed, I am just that much more passionate about it all- for ALL of God’s children. I KNOW this lies at the heart of all we wish to build and change on Planet Earth.

My mission is to use design- of our material world as a way to support this: the bridge for SPIRIT to EARTH through enabling experiences, materials and ideas for this possibility. And it is possible.

There can be a magic in things….. don’t you remember as a child, the extraordinary excitement you had in some visits, events and seasons?

In this age of (re-)defining our true values, we need things of meaning within our lives.

The way we have that, is by adding our own meaning and value to them.

Toys are loved and cherished when you add your creativity, through imagination.

You come to value places which hold positive emotional memory: those moments when you experience the thing, the colour, the smell, and feel.

It builds an atmosphere within you and it becomes a touchstone of safety and goodness for your entire life.

You then associate it with good things as a positive memory.

To counteract the external chaos of our transitioning world, we must offer our children experiences of value, places of value, things of value and purpose,

and give them the chance and the choice to invest their spirit, and their energy into those things.

When those things are as natural as possible, as organic as possible, as handmade as possible, they hold the value -they hold the resonance-value of the human being.

This is something infinitely important to pass on to our children, especially in this time, when the very essence of humanity has been threatened

to be superseded by technology, artificial intelligence and endless cultural programmes of control and mis-direction.

We have been trained into accepting these very strange ideas of style and ‘good’.

The frequency of colours and the vibration behind them affects us.

(‘Greige’ is designed to lull us into a soporific state, removing stimulation from our mind and dislocating us from our true spiritual connections.)

Everything I do is to evoke vitality and support natural life-structures, enhancing the connection to your creativity:

excitement, thrill, discovery, beauty, and yes, peace in your environment.

As co-designer of your spaces and places, yes, the rooms look delicious BUT, it is way way more than that:

these designs connect you to your spiritual being,  your full sacred essence, through colour, natural materials, handcrafted elements and intention.

They act like a great big crystal generator to help you maintain your spiritual connection.

When we understand our place within the natural systems, we value natural systems , and therefore we value each other in the world.

When we understand ourselves as creativity living in human beings, and that’s who we expect others to be, we work with discovering and unfolding our creativity.

We find solutions: to have enjoyment, to know we are capable of expanding our awareness to encompass people of all nations and retain the truth of our deep connection, our origin, in God.  

This unity umbrella, which unites all, and allows us to operate from the guidance of our spirit, whether it be creative, functional, inspirational, or necessary,

blossoms when supported and modelled in our homes and places where we spend our time.


I will help you design your child’s room, your home, or the space you’re going to have as your child’s learning space for HOME SCHOOLING.

You can activate your own gifts and enjoy an encouraging consultation with me to apply these principles in your home- or engage me to design your whole home or a single room.

In a series of consultations, I will help you SEE what YOU can do yourself to create spaces and places which aid you and your family in their happiness, spiritual well-being and creative living.

          Design consultation one-off ( for general advice and activation for your home or office)

          Design consultation redesigning one room

          Design consultation redesigning your external space

          Design consultation redesigning your Treehouse

          Design consultation redesigning your entire home

          Children’s Play Packs for HOLISTIC INTEGRATIVE LEARNING

The Music & Dance packages :

the Dancer Pack : encouraging all things ‘dance’, and

the Musician Composition pack : encouraging all things ‘music’

The Nature-Lover packs:

fruit, vegetable & flower packs for Natural Science learning &

Play-things-growing-pack for Creative and scientific experiences

the geometry & mathematics pack,

the biological systems pack,

the chemical systems pack, and

the creative artist pack

Your Personal Energy Body pack: energy, breath, anatomy, awareness, spiritual tools

The Singer pack: how to trust and develop your singing voice

The Theatrical Creative packs :

play-theatre pack,

super-hero pack,

dressing up box

The Up-Cycler packs: take what you have and upgrade it !

the fabric up-grader,

the furniture up-grader, and

the Natural Re-purposer.

My qualifications:

I studied landscape architecture and architecture. I’ve worked for the last two decades teaching children in all of the performing and creative arts.

In-between, I have had a performing career as a dancer, a singer-songwriter, sometime actor.

‘Interior Design’ has always been promoted as something rather vain and excessive, -only the super wealthy could afford it.

In the 1990’s I designed a series of schools and playgrounds in Berlin, Germany.

I kept away from the profession thereafter, but I ran my houses as Airbnb venues, renting, very large houses and welcoming big parties of up to 20 people.

All adored the spaces I designed, informed by my considerable research into how children learn and become close to nature.  

I have hundreds of very happy reviews of people loving the colours, atmosphere and stimulus of their creative powers.

My Architecture PhD concerned itself with supporting human beings in their environments.

We are emerging into the awareness of what toxins, and disgraceful systems we have been pushed into.

And now, we must find ways of creating new, vibrant, spiritually uplifting environments.

Adults have this creative awakening quickening within them: the ability to self propel into enquiry, curiosity,

stimulating the natural parts of the spirit, which make us vibrantly human…

Here you will find design for one reason: to focus on joy, excitement, and allowing our innate human creativity to blossom and flourish.

What I offer poses a contrast between our heavily dictated sense of Interiors: the ‘grey’, and the ‘beiges’, and the socially-accepted room-structures,

all of course, part of the Cabal system to dumb us down, flatten and depress us.

Living with colour reflects our true frequency back to us, nourishing our spirits:

you go out into the jungles of our world and find them full of colour,  any natural place -is full of colour.

These designs will help you to hold this sense of goodness and joy, stable within your home, or your place of work. I will help you design your child’s room, your home, or the space you’re going to have as your child’s learning space for HOME SCHOOLING.

You can activate your own gifts and enjoy an encouraging consultation with me to apply these principles in your home- or engage me to design your whole home or a single room.

In a series of consultations, I will help you SEE what YOU can do yourself to create spaces and places which aid you and your family in their happiness, spiritual well-being and creative living.

The mind-expanding packs I offer: hand crafted, hi-vibed, immensely adaptable and recyclable     

The Music & Dance packs:

Composition pack : encouraging all things ‘music’

The Dancer pack : encouraging all things ‘dance’

The Singer pack: how to trust and develop your singing voice

The Nature-Lover packs: vegetable & flower packs for Natural Science learning

     1.     The Biological Systems pack

     2.     The Chemical Systems pack

     3.     The Cleaner pack

     4.     The Creative Artist Play-Things-Growing & Gathering-pack

     5.     The Foodie pack

     6.     The Geometry & Mathematics pack

     7.     The Healer pack

Your Personal Energy Body pack: energy, breath, anatomy, awareness, spiritual tools

The Theatrical Creative packs :

play-theatre pack,

super-hero pack,

dressing up box

The Up-Cycler packs: take what you have and upgrade it !

The fabric up-grader,

The furniture up-grader, and

The Natural Re-purposer.

It’s all about values: none of this is plastic, cute or sweet.

This is real bridging between the material realm and spirit.

This is about maintaining your child’s connection with spirit each other, and our natural world.

Email me below to order your package!